1050 Aluminium Alloy

1050 aluminium alloy is a kind of 1000 series alloy aluminum, the alloy grade is 1050,1050 aluminum alloy for general sheet metal work where moderate strength is required.

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ما هو 1050 سبائك الألومنيوم?

1050 aluminium alloy is a kind of 1000 series alloy aluminum, the alloy grade is 1050,1050 aluminum alloy for general sheet metal work where moderate strength is required.

As a wrought alloy, 1050 aluminium alloy is usually formed by extrusion or rolling; it can be strengthened by cold working but not by heat treatment.

1050 aluminium is known for its excellent corrosion resistance, strong ductility and low density (only 1/3 of steel).

1050 aluminium alloy

1050 سبائك الألومنيوم

Chemical composition of 1050 الألومنيوم

Chemical composition of 1050 الألومنيوم
Chemical Element المنغنيز (من) حديد (الحديد) نحاس (النحاس) المغنيسيوم (ملغ) السيليكون (و) الزنك (الزنك) التيتانيوم (ل) آخر (كل) الألومنيوم (آل)
Present (%) 0.0 – 0.05 0.0 – 0.40 0.0 – 0.05 0.0 – 0.05 0.0 – 0.25 0.0 – 0.07 0.0 – 0.05 0.0 – 0.03 توازن

1050 aluminium alloy physical properties

1050 aluminium alloy physical properties
Physical Property قيمة
كثافة 2.71 جم/سم3
نقطة الانصهار 650 درجة مئوية
Thermal Expansion 24 x10^-6 /K
معامل المرونة 71 المعدل التراكمي
الموصلية الحرارية 222 W/m.K
Electrical Resistivity 0.0282 x10^-6 Ω .m
ملزمة – 0.2mm to 6.00mm Spec: BS EN 485-2:2008
Mechanical Property قيمة
قوة الشد 65 -95 MPa
Proof Stress 20 Min MPa
Hardness Brinell 20 غ.ب

1050 Alloy Designations

سبائك الألومنيوم 1050 also corresponds to the following standard designations and specifications but may not be a direct equivalent:





سبائك الألومنيوم 1050 suppliers

Huawei Aluminum has been producing and selling alloy aluminum for 22 سنين. 1050 aluminum alloy is one of the best-selling 1000 series alloy aluminum. We have a large number of 1050 صفائح الألمنيوم, 1050 لفائف الألمنيوم, 1050 أقراص الألومنيوم, 1050 شرائح الألمنيوم, 1050 aluminum foils and other products in stock. , high quality and low price is one of the reasons why we sell well in the market;

1050 aluminum alloy stock

1050 aluminum alloy stock

1050 aluminium alloy specification

سبيكة 1050 درجة
سماكة 0.006-0.02مم(Foil),0.02-6مم(Sheet/Coil/Circle),6-40مم(طبق)
حِدّة يا,ح12,ح14,H16,H18,H22,H24,H26,H112
مقاس Sheet/plate(4×8 foot,1000x2000mm,1500x2000mm),لفائف,Circle,يجرد
Surface Mill finish,Diamond plate,Color coated,Pover coated,Anodized aluminum plate

Common temper of 1050 سبائك الألومنيوم

There are many kinds of tempering states for 1050 سبائك الألومنيوم, and the corresponding performances in different tempering states are also different;

يا, ح12, ح14, ح16, H18, ح22, ح24, ح26, ح28, ح112;

The most common temper for 1050 aluminium is:

ح14 – work hardened by rolling to half hard, not annealed after rolling.

1050 aluminum plate with sydney paper

1050 aluminum plate with sydney paper

1050 aluminum alloy features

  • 1. Good formability and good weldability
  • 2. High plasticity, الموصلية الكهربائية والتوصيل الحراري
  • 3. Low density
  • 4. It can be used for gas welding, argon arc welding and spot welding
  • 5. مقاومة التآكل

1050 aluminum alloy application

What is the function of 1050 aluminum plate is mainly used for

1050 aluminum for lamp

1050 aluminum for lamp

  • Signage
  • billboard
  • Wall decoration
  • kitchen utensils
  • Chemical Equipment
  • electronic device
  • food industry containers
  • cable sheath
  • light reflector

Since the strength of 1050 pure aluminum plate is not high, it is generally used in industries and daily necessities that do not require high strength.

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