3004 hliníkový plech

Hliníkový plech 3004 továrna nejlepší cena na prodej,3000 série 3003 3004 3105 export suroviny z hliníkové slitiny

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3004 hliníkový plech

    Slitina 3004(3000 série)
    Zmírnit Ó,H12, H14, H16, H18, H22, H24, H26, H28, H32, H34
    Tloušťka 0.2mm - 60 mm
    Šířka 80mm-2650 mm
    Délka 120mm-10000 mm
    Dodavatel Huawei hliník
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What is a sheet of 3004 hliník?

3004 aluminum sheet is one of the more commonly used 3000 series aluminum sheets. It belongs to aluminum-manganese alloy. Hliníkový plech 3004 má vyšší pevnost než 3003, excellent formability and good corrosion resistance. It is a common anti-rust aluminum sheet in aluminum alloys.

3004 aluminum sheet

Hliníkový plech 3004 chemické složení

Hliníková slitina 3004 alloy composition table(%)
Slitina A Cu Mg Zn Mn Fe Ostatní Al
3004 0.30 0.25 0.8-1.3 0.25 1.0-1.5 0.7 0.05 Zůstat

3004 aluminum plate material properties

As an AL-Mn alloy, 3004 is not high in strength (slightly higher than 1000 série průmyslový čistý hliník) a nelze je zpevnit tepelným zpracováním. Its mechanical properties can be improved through cold working methods.

It has high plasticity in the annealed state, good plasticity in semi-cold work hardening, low plasticity in cold work hardening, dobrá odolnost proti korozi, dobrá svařitelnost, and poor machinability.

3004 aluminum material alloy specifications

Hliníková slitina 3004 specifications
Stupeň 3000 série
Zmírnit Ó,H12, H22, H32, H14, H24, H34, H16, H26, H18
Tloušťka 0.2-800mm
Šířka 80-2800mm
Délka 500-18000mm
Velikost 4×8, 4×10, 48×96, or customized.
Dodavatel Huawei hliník

3004 aluminum sheet physical properties

Hliníková slitina 3004 has good mechanical and physical properties. The following are some key physical properties of 3004 hliníková deska.

Hliníkový plech 3004 physical properties
Hustota 2.73g/cm³
Melting point 644°C (1191°F)
Tepelná vodivost 157 W/(m·K)
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) 23.8 x 10^-6/°C
Specific heat capacity 0.897 J/(g·℃)
Odpor 0.057 ohm/cm
Magnetic Nemagnetické

3004 aluminum sheet temper mechanical properties

3004 H14 aluminum temper:

Pevnost v tahu: 190 MPa (27.6 ksi)
Mez kluzu: 165 MPa (24.0 ksi)
Prodloužení: 10%

3004 H16 aluminum temper:

Pevnost v tahu: 215 MPa (31.2 ksi)
Mez kluzu: 190 MPa (27.6 ksi)
Prodloužení: 5%

3004 H18 aluminum temper:

Pevnost v tahu: 230 MPa (33.4 ksi)
Mez kluzu: 205 MPa (29.7 ksi)
Prodloužení: 4%

3004 H22 aluminum temper:

Pevnost v tahu: 195 MPa (28.3 ksi)
Mez kluzu: 145 MPa (21.0 ksi)
Prodloužení: 8%

3004 H24 aluminum temper:

Pevnost v tahu: 220 MPa (31.9 ksi)
Mez kluzu: 170 MPa (24.7 ksi)
Prodloužení: 6%

3004 H26 aluminum temper:

Pevnost v tahu: 240 MPa (34.8 ksi)
Mez kluzu: 200 MPa (29.0 ksi)
Prodloužení: 4%

Advantages of 3004 hliníkový plech

Hliníková slitina 3004 has many advantages and has many applications in multiple scenarios.

1. Odolnost proti korozi: 3004 aluminum alloy has excellent corrosion resistance, which can prevent rust and degradation, and the corrosion resistance will be better after the surface is treated with coating.

2. Tvařitelnost: 3004 aluminum sheet has good formability and can be easily processed into various shapes without cracking or weakening. Can make beverage cans, car parts, and kitchen utensils.

3. Higher strength: 3004 aluminum sheet is weaker than other aluminum alloys such as 6061 nebo 7075, ale 3004 aluminum plate has sufficient strength and can be used for lightweight structural components and panels.

4. Light weight and small weight: The density of aluminum plate is small, and the overall weight is much lighter. The low density of 3004 makes it an application where weight reduction is a priority, such as the automotive and aerospace industries.

5. Heat resistance: 3004 aluminum sheet has good heat resistance and maintains structural integrity at high temperatures without significant deformation or weakening.

These advantages make 3004 aluminum sheet a versatile material suitable for a wide range of applications, including automotive parts, food and beverage packaging, stavební materiály, kitchenware, a další.

3004 aluminum sheet product standard

Huawei Aluminum can be produced according to multiple standards.

ASTM B 209
ASTM B 221
ASTM B 547
ISO 6361


3000 series aluminum sheet

3003 hliníkový plech

3005 hliníkový plech

3104 hliníkový plech

3105 hliníkový plech

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