1100 aluminum alloy Old name: L5-1
मानक: जीबी/टी 3618-1989
●1100 chemical composition:
Silicon+iron Si+Fe: 0.95
कॉपर क्यू: 0.05-0.20
जिंक जिंक: 0.10
मैंगनीज एमएन: 0.05
एल्युमिनियम अल: 99.00
टिप्पणी: अकेला: 0.05; कुल: 0.15
● एल्यूमीनियम मिश्र धातु के यांत्रिक गुण 1100:
तनन सामर्थ्य σb (एमपीए): ≥95
सशर्त उपज शक्ति σ0.2 (एमपीए): ≥50
Elongation 50mm: ≥9
टिप्पणी: The mechanical properties of the plate at room temperature
नमूने का आकार: मोटाई (>4.5-6.5)
●AL1100 features and scope of application:
1100 industrial pure aluminum is ordinary industrial pure aluminum with an aluminum content of 99.0%. Can not be strengthened by heat treatment;
Low, but with good ductility. प्रपत्र. Weldability and corrosion resistance; can be further improved after anodizing
Its corrosion resistance, while obtaining an aesthetic surface.
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