The production process of álplötur involves several steps. Here is a general overview of the process:
Bauxite Mining: Bauxite is the primary source of aluminum. It is mined from the earth and refined to extract alumina, which is the main raw material for aluminum production.
Alumina Refining: The extracted bauxite is processed to extract alumina through a process called the Bayer process. This involves crushing the bauxite and treating it with caustic soda to dissolve the alumina content. Vökvinn sem myndast er síaður til að fjarlægja óhreinindi, og súrálið sem eftir er er þurrkað.
Álbræðsla: Súrálið er síðan sent í álver, þar sem það er leyst upp í bráðnu krýólítsaltabaði. Álverið starfar við mjög háan hita, venjulega í kring 950-980 gráður á Celsíus. Rafgreining fer fram, að nota mikið magn af rafmagni, sem skilur álið frá súrefninu í súrálinu, sem leiðir af sér bráðið ál.
Steypa: Bráðna álið er flutt í geymsluofn til að viðhalda hitastigi þess. Þaðan, því er hellt í mót til að mynda hleifar eða blokkir, sem eru storknar blokkir úr áli. Þessi mót geta verið af ýmsum stærðum og gerðum, eftir því hvaða lokaafurð óskað er eftir.
Rúlla: The solidified ingots or billets are then reheated in a furnace and passed through a series of rolling mills. The rolling mills reduce the thickness of the aluminum by continuously passing it between rotating cylinders, gradually shaping it into thinner sheets. The sheets can be rolled multiple times to achieve the desired thickness and surface finish.
Frágangur: After the rolling process, the aluminum sheets may undergo various finishing treatments. This can include annealing, which involves heating the sheets to relieve internal stresses and improve their mechanical properties. Surface treatments such as cleaning, húðun, or polishing may also be applied to enhance the appearance or protect the aluminum from corrosion.
Cutting and Packaging: Once the aluminum sheets have been processed and finished, they are cut to specific dimensions based on customer requirements. The sheets are then packaged and prepared for distribution and shipment to various industries and manufacturers that utilize aluminum in their products.
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