Standard: GB/T3190-1996
●1070 aluminum chemical composition:
Silicon Si: 0.20
Ferro Fe: 0.25
Rame Cu: 0.04
Manganese Mn: 0.03
Magnesio mg: 0.03
Zinco Zn: 0.04
Titanio Ti: 0.03
Vanadio V: 0.05
Alluminio Al: 99.7
●Mechanical properties of 1070 alluminio:
Resistenza alla trazione σb (MPa) )≥75
Carico di snervamento condizionato σ0,2 (MPa) )≥35
Dimensioni del campione: Tutti gli spessori delle pareti
Nota: Proprietà meccaniche longitudinali del tubo a temperatura ambiente
●Main features and application range of 1070 alluminio:
1070 industrial pure aluminum has the characteristics of high plasticity, resistenza alla corrosione, buona conduttività elettrica e conducibilità termica, ma bassa forza,
Without strengthening by heat treatment, the machinability is not good, and contact welding and gas welding are acceptable. Make more use of its advantages to create a
Some structural parts with specific properties, come guarnizioni e condensatori in foglio di alluminio, reti di isolamento dei tubi elettronici, fili,
Protective sleeves, nets, wire cores for cables, parts and decorations for aircraft ventilation systems.
●1070 aluminum heat treatment process:
Carry out oil quenching and tempering. The strength of this type of steel wire is not as good as that of lead-bath treated steel wire, but its performance is uniform,
The cost is lower. After cold roll forming, stress relief treatment is carried out. Pulled to the specified size, and then annealed.
After the softened cold roll is formed, it needs to be quenched and tempered at medium temperature to obtain the required mechanical properties.
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