5083 chapa aluminio

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Hogar » Producto » Lámina aluminio » 5083 chapa aluminio

5083 chapa aluminio

Pa ar he̲'mi:2023-05-31
    Aleación 5083(5000 serie)
    Atemperar O,H12,H14,H16,H18,H22,H24,H26,H34,H111,H112
    Espesor 0.2milímetro — 60 milímetros
    Ancho 80milímetro — 2650mm
    Largura 120milímetro — 10000mm
    Proveedor Aluminio Huawei
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What is aluminum sheet grade 5083?

Te ra es 5083 grade Aluminum? 5083 aluminum sheet is an aluminum alloy plate with high strength and good corrosion resistance. It belongs to the 5 series of aluminum alloys, Xi t'o̲t'e principalmente aluminio (Ya ar) and magnesium (Mg) elements (also known as Al-Mg alloys), and also contains a small amount of manganese (Mn), cromo (Cr) and zinc (Zn ) and other alloying elements. Pe̲ts'i ar hño conformabilidad, Resistencia ar corrosión, Soldabilidad, ne resistencia made.

5083 aluminum sheet

Alloy composition contained in aluminum sheet 5083

Aleación Hää Nt'eme Cu Mn Mg Zn Nu'i Cr Ya ar
5083 ≤0.4% ≤0.4% ≤0.1% 0.4%-1.0% 4%-4.9% ≤0.25% ≤0.15% 0.05%-0.25% 92.4%-95.6%

5083 aluminum plate mechanical properties

Alloy Temper Resistencia ar tracción Límite elástico Elongation Fracture Toughness Hardness
5083 O aluminum sheet 110-145 Mpa 45-75 Mpa 20-30% 70-100 MPa√m 45-55 HB
5083 H12 aluminum sheet 240-280 Mpa 140-180 Mpa 6-12% 70-90 MPa√m 60-70 HB
5083 H14 aluminum sheet 270-305 Mpa 195-225 Mpa 10-16% 75-95 MPa√m 70-80 HB
5083 H16 aluminum sheet 305-345 Mpa 240-270 Mpa 8-12% 80-100 MPa√m 75-85 HB
5083 H18 aluminum sheet 325-365 Mpa 260-290 Mpa 6-10% 85-105 MPa√m 80-90 HB
5083 H19 aluminum sheet 345-385 Mpa 290-315 Mpa 4-8% 90-110 MPa√m 85-95 HB
5083 H22 aluminum sheet 270-305 Mpa 140-180 Mpa 12-18% 70-90 MPa√m 70-80 HB
5083 H24 aluminum sheet 305-345 Mpa 215-245 Mpa 8-12% 75-95 MPa√m 80-90 HB
5083 H26 aluminum sheet 325-365 Mpa 240-270 Mpa 6-10% 85-105 MPa√m 80-90 HB
5083 H28 aluminum sheet 345-385 Mpa 260-290 Mpa 4-8% 90-110 MPa√m 85-95 HB
5083 H32 aluminum sheet 305-345 Mpa 215-245 Mpa 8-12% 75-95 MPa√m 80-90 HB
5083 H34 aluminum sheet 325-365 Mpa 240-270 Mpa 6-10% 85-105 MPa√m 80-90 HB
5083 H38 aluminum sheet 360-400 Mpa 275-305 Mpa 6-10% 90-110 MPa√m 85-95 HB
5083 H111 aluminum sheet 270-305 Mpa 145-180 Mpa 10-16% 80-100 MPa√m 65-75 HB
5083 H112 aluminum sheet 305-355 Mpa 215-260 Mpa 12-16% 90-110 MPa√m 70-80 HB

Aluminio 5083 sheet alloy properties features

5083 aluminum sheet is a commonly used high-strength aluminum alloy plate with the following characteristics:

1. Mextha resistencia: 5083 aluminum sheet has high tensile strength and yield strength, which makes it excellent in applications that need to withstand large forces and pressures.

2. 5083 has good corrosion resistance: 5083 Placa aluminio pe̲ts'i 'nar excelente resistencia ja ar corrosión, especially suitable for use in marine environments, and is a marine-grade aluminum plate.

3.5083 aluminum sheet plate has good welding performance.

4. Be̲xu ligero: Compared with steel, 5083 aluminum sheet has a lower density, so it is light in weight and is suitable for applications that require weight reduction.

5. High wear resistance: 5083 aluminum plate has high wear resistance and is suitable for applications that require resistance to wear and abrasives, such as internal structures of ships, fuel tanks and storage tanks, etc.

6. Hño maquinabilidad: 5083 aluminum plate has good plasticity and processing performance, and can be shaped by cutting, doblamiento, stamping and deep drawing.

7. Suitable for low temperature environment: 5083 aluminum sheet maintains good toughness and strength at low temperature, and is suitable for applications in low temperature environment, such as liquefied gas storage tanks and aerospace devices.

Te ra es 5083 aluminum sheet used for?

What are the applications of 5083 placa aluminio?5083 aluminum plate is a high-strength, corrosion-resistant aluminum alloy. It is mainly used in marine applications due to its excellent performance in harsh environments, especially salt water.
5083 aluminum plate is used in shipbuilding: 5083 aluminum is widely used in shipbuilding because of its high strength, good weldability and corrosion resistance.

Marine grade aluminum sheet

aluminum plate is used in shipbuildingMarine grade aluminum sheet (1)

5083 aluminum plate for tanker

5083 aluminum sheet for tank truck5083 aluminum sheet forl tanks

What is marine grade 5083 aluminio?

Marine grade 5083 aluminio, commonly known as 5083-H116, is an alloy specifically designed for use in marine and saltwater environments, providing excellent corrosion resistance and high strength. It is widely used in the construction of ships and other marine structures.

5083 aluminum sheet thickness

Aluminio Huawei5083 aluminum sheets are available in a variety of thicknesses, depending on the specific requirements of the project or application.

0.2 milímetro – 6.35 milímetro: These are generally considered thin sheets and are typically used in applications where weight reduction and formability are important, such as the automotive industry and general manufacturing.

6.4mm-12.7mm: These are medium thickness sheets suitable for a variety of applications including marine components, structural members and building elements.

12.8mm+: These are thicker sheets used in heavy-duty applications such as shipbuilding, offshore structures and components requiring high strength and durability.

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