Aluminum Encyclopedia: Melting point of aluminum metal

Huawei Aluminum knowledge sharing: What is the melting point of aluminum? Aluminum has the highest melting point among metals

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What is melting point?

Melting point is the temperature at which a substance changes from solid to liquid at standard atmospheric pressure. When a substance is heated to its melting point, it changes from an ordered solid structure to a disordered liquid structure. The melting point is a fixed tem perature, Usually a specific value for pure substances. 'Ñotho ar embargo, for complex mixtures or alloys, such as aluminum alloys, there may be a range of melting points.

aluminum melting point

What is the melting point of aluminum?

What is aluminums melting point? The melting point of aluminum refers to the temperature at which solid aluminum begins to change from solid to liquid when it is heated to a high enough temperature. At the melt point of aluminum, the structure of aluminum changes from a tightly packed lattice to a freely moving liquid. The melting point aluminum is an important indicator of the properties of a substance and is critical for processing and using aluminum materials.

Comparison of melting points of various metals

As a metal with a large stock, how does aluminum compare with other metals in terms of melting point?

Metal Celsius (°C) Fahrenheit(°F)
Al 660.32°C 1220.58°F
Fe 1538°C 2800.4°F
Cu 1084.62°C 1984.32°F
Sn 231.93°C 449.47°F
Pb 327.46°C 621.43°F
Zn 419.53°C 787.15°F
Ni 1455°C 2651°F
Ag 961.78°C 1763.2°F
Ti 1668°C 3034.4°F
Mg 650°C 1202°F
W 3422°C 6192°F
Pt 1768.3°C 3214.94°F

From the melting point data of the metal, it can be seen that the melting point of aluminum metal is one of the lower ones, and it can be processed in various forms. The manufacturing process is simple and it is also widely used.

1000-8000 series common aluminum melting point

what is aluminum’s melting point?The following table is the melting point table of 1-8 series common aluminum alloys

Aluminum Alloy Celsius (°C) Fahrenheit(°F)
1000 series aluminum melting point 1050 643-655°C 1190-1215°F
1060 643-655°C 1190-1215°F
1070 643-655°C 1190-1215°F
1350 633-652°C 1171-1206°F
1145 625-650°C 1157-1202°F
1035 636-657°C 1177-1215°F
1100 635-655°C 1175-1215°F
1200 643-657°C 1190-1215°F
1235 633-652°C 1171-1206°F
2000 series aluminum melting point 2004 540-635°C 1004-1175°F
2011 502-632°C 936-1170°F
2014 502-632°C 936-1170°F
2017 477-632°C 890-1170°F
2117 465-621°C 869-1150°F
2214 477-621°C 890-1150°F
2218 482-644°C 900-1191°F
2618 477-621°C 890-1150°F
2024 502-638°C 936-1180°F
3000 series aluminum melting point 3003 618-655°C 1145-1215°F
3004 613-655°C 1135-1215°F
3005 613-655°C 1135-1215°F
3104 613-655°C 1135-1215°F
3015 613-655°C 1135-1215°F
5000 series aluminum melting point 5005 607-650°C 1125-1202°F
5019 606-650°C 1123-1202°F
5050 606-650°C 1123-1202°F
5251 606-650°C 1123-1202°F
5052 606-650°C 1123-1202°F
5154 606-650°C 1123-1202°F
5454 606-650°C 1123-1202°F
5554 606-650°C 1123-1202°F
5754 606-650°C 1123-1202°F
5456 606-650°C 1123-1202°F
5082 607-650°C 1125-1202°F
5182 607-650°C 1125-1202°F
5083 607-650°C 1125-1202°F
5183 607-650°C 1125-1202°F
5086 607-650°C 1125-1202°F
6000 series aluminum melting point 6101 582-652°C 1080-1205°F
6005 582-652°C 1080-1205°F
6351 582-652°C 1080-1205°F
6060 582-652°C 1080-1205°F
6061 582-652°C 1080-1205°F
6063 582-652°C 1080-1205°F
6070 582-652°C 1080-1205°F
6182 582-652°C 1080-1205°F
6082 582-652°C 1080-1205°F
7000 series aluminum melting point 7003 477-635°C 890-1175°F
7005 482-635°C 900-1175°F
7020 482-635°C 900-1175°F
7022 482-635°C 900-1175°F
7050 477-635°C 890-1175°F
7075 477-635°C 890-1175°F
7475 477-635°C 890-1175°F
8000 series aluminum melting point 8011 642-657°C 1188-1215°F
8021 642-657°C 1188-1215°F
8079 642-657°C 1188-1215°F

Is aluminum hard to melt?

From the melting point data table of aluminum alloy, it can be known that the melting point for aluminum has a relatively low melting point compared with other common metals. Ir, from the perspective of pure physical properties, aluminum is relatively easy to melt.
'Ñotho ar embargo, aluminum may form an oxide layer during heating, and the presence of an aluminum oxide melting point increases the melting point of aluminum, making it more difficult to melt. Ir, in the melting process of aluminum, it is usually necessary to take measures to eliminate or reduce the oxide layer, such as using protective gas or melting agent.

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