Aluminum strip specification weight table

How much does a meter of aluminum strip weigh? How much does the aluminum strip weigh? Complete thickness and weight specifications of aluminum strips.

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Do you know how to measure the weight of aluminum strip?

The weight of aluminum strip depends on several factors, including its length, Ancho, espesor, and the specific aluminum alloy used. The density of aluminum is usually around 2.7 g/cm³, but the exact value may vary depending on the alloy type.

aluminum strip weight

aluminum strip weight

The weight of the aluminum strip can be calculated by the following formula:

Weight = Area × Length × Density

The length is the length of the aluminum strip
Density is that of aluminum.
In this way, aluminum strip weights of various thicknesses and widths can be obtained.

Aluminum strip specification weight table



3 4 5 6 8 10 12
Weight per meter (kg)
10 0.080 0.107 0.134 0.161 0.214 0.268 0.322
12 0.096 0.129 0.161 0.193 0.257 0.322 0.386
15 0.121 0.161 0.201 0.241 0.322 0.402 0.482
20 0.161 0.214 0.268 0.322 0.429 0.568 0.643
25 0.201 0.268 0.335 0.402 0.568 0.670 0.804
30 0.241 0.322 0.402 0.482 0.643 0.804 0.965
40 0.322 0.429 0.536 0.643 0.858 1.072 1.286
50 0.402 0.536 0.670 0.804 1.072 1.340 1.608
60 0.482 0.643 0.804 0.965 1.286 1.608 1.930
80 0.643 0.858 1.072 1.286 1.715 2.144 2.573
100 0.804 1.072 1.340 1.608 2.144 2.680 3.216
120 0.965 1.286 1.608 1.930 2.573 3.216 3.859


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