Standard: GB/T3190-1996
●1060 chemical composition:
Silikon Ja: 0.25
Järn Fe: 0.35
Koppar Cu: 0.05
Mangan Mn: 0.03
Magnesium Mg: 0.03
Zink Zn: 0.05
Titan Ti: 0.03
Vanadin V: 0.05
Aluminium Al: 99.6
●Mechanical properties of aluminum legering 1060:
Draghållfasthet σb (MPa) ≥75
Villkorlig sträckgräns σ0,2 (MPa)≥35
Provstorlek: Alla väggtjocklekar
Notera: The longitudinal mechanical properties of the pipe at room temperature are edited for the heat treatment process in this paragraph:
●Main features and application scope of 1060 aluminiumlegering:
Industrial pure aluminum has the characteristics of high plasticity, korrosionsbeständighet, good electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity, but low strength and impenetrable
Strengthened by heat treatment, dålig bearbetbarhet, acceptable contact welding, gassvetsning. Make more use of its advantages to make some tools
Structural parts with specific properties, such as gaskets and capacitors made of aluminum foil, electronic tube isolation nets, wires, kablar
Protective sleeves, nets, wire cores and aircraft ventilation system parts and decorations.
●Al 1060 heat treatment process:
Snabb glödgning: the heating temperature is 350-410°C; beroende på materialets effektiva tjocklek, the holding time is 30-410°C.
Between 120min; luft- eller vattenkylning. Högtemperaturglödgning: uppvärmningstemperatur 350 ~ 500 ℃; när tjockleken på den färdiga produkten är ≥6 mm,
The heat preservation time is 10-30min, and when the temperature is <6mm, heat through; air-cool. Low temperature annealing: heating temperature 150~
250℃; holding time is 2~3h; luft- eller vattenkylning
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