5086 alyuminiy qatlam

5086 alyuminiy qatlam etkazib beruvchilari sotish uchun eng yaxshi narx, eksport uchun dengiz toifasidagi alyuminiy qatlam,ning eng yaxshi sifati 5086 Xitoyda alyuminiy qatlam

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5086 alyuminiy qatlam

Post vaqti:2023-07-19
    Qotishma 5086(5000 seriya)
    Jahl O,H12, H14, H16, H18, H22, H24, H26, H34, H111, H112
    Qalinligi 0.2mm - 60 mm
    Kengligi 80mm - 2650 mm
    Uzunlik 120mm - 10000 mm
    Yetkazib beruvchi Huawei alyuminiy
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Nima bu 5086 sifatli alyuminiy qatlam?

The 5086 aluminum plate belongs to the 5 seriyali alyuminiy qotishmasi. 5086 uses aluminum (Al) as the main element, which has high strength and good corrosion resistance. 5086 is also known as the anti-corrosion aluminum in the 5000 seriya.

5086 aluminum sheet

5086 alyuminiy qatlam

The use of 5086 alyuminiy plastinka

Nima bu 5086 uchun alyuminiy qatlam ishlatiladi?5086 aluminum plate is a high-strength, corrosion-resistant aluminum alloy plate with a wide range of uses and can be used in shipbuilding, aerokosmik, transport, kimyoviy uskunalar va boshqa sohalar. With the continuous development of science and technology, the application field of 5086 aluminum plate will continue to expand.

5086 dengiz alyuminiy plitasi

Since the ship plate needs to be used in wet and corrosive water for a long time, the manufacture of the ship plate needs to be made of a very corrosion-resistant alloy plate, va 5086 aluminum plate is widely used in shipbuilding. Alyuminiy plastinka 5083 has excellent corrosion resistance and high strength, va 5086 aluminum plate is widely used in hulls, palubalar, cabins and other parts of ships. In the ocean, the ship needs to withstand the corrosion of sea water and the blow of wind and waves. The corrosion resistance and high strength of .5086 aluminum plate can effectively ensure the safety and service life of the ship.

5086 aluminum sheet for boat

Alyuminiy varaq “5086” means

Number “5”: This means that the 5086 aluminum plate belongs to the 5 seriyali alyuminiy qotishmasi. The 5-series aluminum alloy is mainly composed of aluminum and magnesium, and has good strength and corrosion resistance.

Number “0”: This means that the alloying element in 5086 aluminum alloy is magnesium (Magniy). The addition of magnesium can increase the strength and hardness of aluminum alloys.

Number “86”: This indicates the specific chemical composition and characteristics of the 5086 alyuminiy qotishmasi. “86” is a specific alloy number used to identify the specific combination of 5086 alloy in the aluminum alloy standard.

5086 aluminum sheets thickness

Mahsulot Qalinligi(dyuym) Qalinligi(mm)
Alyuminiy varaq 5086 0.09″ 2.289
0.063″ 1.6
0.125″ 3.175
0.19″ 4.826
0.249″ 6.325
0.4″ 10.16

Alyuminiy varaq 5086 jismoniy xususiyatlar

Qotishma temperaturasi Mustahkamlik chegarasi Hosildorlik kuchi Cho'zilish
5086 o alyuminiy qatlam 240 MPa 95 MPa 22%
5086-h111 aluminum sheet 290 MPa 145 MPa 17%
5086-h112 aluminum sheet 270 MPa 120 MPa 20%
5086 h32 alyuminiy varaq 305 MPa 215 MPa 12%
5086 h36 alyuminiy varaq 355 MPa 255 MPa 10%
5086 h38 alyuminiy varaq 380 MPa 275 MPa 8%
5086 h321 aluminum sheet 305 MPa 225 MPa 12%

5086 aluminum sheet prices

ning narxi 5086 aluminum sheet is affected by many factors, such as the thickness, size, temper, exchange rate, quantity, va boshqalar. of the aluminum sheet. For the latest specific price, iltimos maslahatlashing Huawei alyuminiy.
Regular prices are as follows

Specifications 5086 aluminum sheet price List
5086-h116 aluminum sheet BIZ $2780-$3100 / Metric Ton
063 5086-h116 aluminum sheet BIZ $2780-$3100 / Tonna
5086 alyuminiy qatlam 48 x 96
BIZ $2780-$3100 / Tonna

5086 alyuminiy qatlam og'irligi

What is the weight of the 5086 alyuminiy qatlam?Og'irligi a 5086 aluminum sheet can only be obtained with the size and thickness, and the weight of AL5086 can be obtained by measuring 4×8 5086 aluminum sheet 2mm.
To calculate the weight of a 2mm thick 4×8 (1219mm x 2438mm) 5086 alyuminiy qatlam, quyidagi formuladan foydalanishingiz mumkin:

Weight = Length x Width x Thickness x Density

ning zichligi 5086 aluminum is approximately 2.66 g/cm³ or 0.096 lb/in³.

Weight = 1.219m x 2.438m x 0.002m x 2.66 g/sm³

Weight = 0.018611 m³ x 2.66 g/sm³

Og'irligi ≈ 0.049537 kg or 0.1092 funt

Shuning uchun, the weight of a 2mm thick 4×8 5086 aluminum sheet is around 0.049537 kg or 0.1092 funt.

Alyuminiy plastinka 5086 aluminum alloy chemical composition

  • alyuminiy (Al): 92.5%
  • Magniy (Mg): 4.0% – 4.9%
  • Marganets (Mn): 0.20% – 0.7%
  • Chromium (Cr): 0.05% – 0.25%
  • Temir (Fe): 0.0% – 0.5%
  • Silikon (Va): 0.0% – 0.4%
  • Mis (Cu): 0.10% maks
  • Sink (Zn): 0.25% maks
  • Titan (Of): 0.15% maks
  • Boshqa elementlar: Har biri 0.05% maks, Jami 0.15% maks

5086 aluminum suppliers

Alyuminiy varaq 5086 is an alloy with medium hardness and good corrosion resistance among the 5000 seriyali qotishmalar. As a supplier specializing in the production of aluminum sheets, we can provide you with aluminum sheets of various thicknesses and sizes to meet your purchasing needs.

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