5086 alyuminiy qotishmasi yuqori korroziyaga chidamliligini talab qiladigan holatlarda qo'llaniladi, yaxshi payvandlanish qobiliyati va o'rtacha quvvat, kemalar kabi, avtomobillar, samolyot, kriogen uskunalar, teleminoralar, drilling rigs, transport uskunalari, raketa qismlari va kemalari, va boshqalar.
5154 aluminum alloy welded structures, saqlash tanklari, bosimli idishlar, ship structures and offshore facilities, transportation tanks
5182 aluminum alloy sheet is used for processing can lids, avtomobil kuzov panellari, boshqaruv panellari, mustahkamlash, qavslar va boshqa qismlar
5252 aluminum alloy is used to manufacture decorative parts with high strength, avtomobillarning dekorativ qismlari kabi. Bright and transparent oxide film after anodizing
5254 aluminum alloy hydrogen peroxide and other chemical product containers
5356 aluminum alloy welding aluminum-magnesium alloy electrodes and wires with a magnesium content greater than 3%
5454 aluminum alloy welded structure, bosimli idish, marine facility pipeline
5456 aluminum alloy armor plates, yuqori quvvatli payvandlangan tuzilmalar, saqlash tanklari, bosimli idishlar, kema materiallari
5457 aluminum alloy polished and anodized decorative parts for automobiles and other equipment
5652 aluminum alloy storage container for hydrogen peroxide and other chemical products
5657 aluminum alloy polished and anodized decorative parts for automobiles and other equipment, but in any case it must be ensured that the material has a fine grain structure
5A02 aluminum alloy aircraft fuel tank and conduit, payvandlash paychalarining, perchinlar, kema konstruktiv qismlari
5A03 aluminum alloy medium-strength welded structure, cold stamping parts, welding container, payvandlash paychalarining, can be used to replace 5A02 alloy
5A05 aluminum alloy welded structural parts, samolyot teri skeleti
5A06 aluminum alloy welded structure, cold die forging parts, payvandlangan kuchlanish konteyner kuchlanish qismlari, samolyot teri suyak qismlari
5A12 aluminum alloy welded structural parts, o'q o'tkazmaydigan paluba
6005 aluminum alloy extruded profiles and pipes are used for structural parts that require higher strength than 6063 qotishma, zinapoyalar kabi, TV antennas, va boshqalar.
6009 aluminum alloy automobile body panel
6010 alyuminiy qotishma plitasi: avtomobil tanasi
6061 aluminum alloy requires various industrial structures with certain strength, yuqori payvandlash qobiliyati va korroziyaga chidamliligi, such as pipes, tayoqchalar, shapes and plates for manufacturing trucks, tower buildings, kemalar, tramvaylar, mebel, mexanik qismlar, nozik ishlov berish, va boshqalar.
6063 aluminum alloy building profiles, sug'orish quvurlari va transport vositalari uchun ekstrudirovka qilingan materiallar, skameykalar, mebel, to'siqlar, va boshqalar.
6066 aluminum alloy forgings and welded structure extrusion materials
6070 aluminum alloy heavy-duty welded structures and extruded materials and tubes for the automotive industry
6101 aluminum alloy bus with high-strength rods, electrical conductors and heat dissipation equipment, va boshqalar.
6151 aluminum alloy is used for die forging crankshaft parts, machine parts and rolling rings, bu yaxshi o'g'itlashni talab qiladi, high strength and good corrosion resistance
6201 aluminum alloy high strength conductive rod and wire
6205 aluminum alloy thick plates, pedals and high-impact extrusions
6262 aluminum alloy requires threaded high stress parts with better corrosion resistance than 2011 va 2017 qotishmalar
Extruded structural parts of 6351 aluminum alloy vehicles, suv uchun quvurlar, moy, va boshqalar.
6463 aluminum alloy construction and various appliance profiles, as well as automotive decorative parts with a bright surface after anodizing
6A02 aluminum alloy aircraft engine parts, murakkab shakllarga ega bo'lgan zarb va zarb zarblari
7005 aluminum alloy extruded material is used to manufacture welded structures that have both high strength and high fracture toughness, such as trusses, tayoqchalar, and containers of transportation vehicles; katta issiqlik almashinuvchilari, and parts that cannot be solidified after welding; they can also be used to manufacture sports equipment such as tennis rackets and softball bats
7039 aluminum alloy freezer containers, kriyojenik uskunalar va saqlash qutilari, fire pressure equipment, harbiy texnika, zirh plitalari, missile devices
7049 aluminum alloy is used for forging parts that have the same static strength as 7079-T6 alloy and require high resistance to stress corrosion cracking, such as aircraft and missile parts-landing gear hydraulic cylinders and extrusions. The fatigue performance of the part is roughly equal to that of the 7075-T6 alloy, while the toughness is slightly higher
7050 aluminum alloy aircraft structural parts with medium and thick plates, ekstruziyalar, free forgings and die forgings. The alloy requirements for the manufacture of such parts are: eksfoliatsiya korroziyasiga yuqori qarshilik, stressli korroziya yorilishi, sinish chidamliligi va charchoqqa chidamlilik
7072 aluminum alloy air conditioner aluminum foil and ultra-thin strip; 2219, 3003, 3004, 5050, 5052, 5154, 6061, 7075, 7475, 7178 alloy plate and pipe cladding layer
7075 aluminum alloy is used in the manufacture of aircraft structures and futures. U yuqori kuch talab qiladi, corrosion-resistant high-stress structural parts and mold manufacturing
7175 aluminum alloy is used for forging high-strength structures for aircraft. T736 material has good comprehensive performance, anavi, yuqori quvvat, high resistance to exfoliation corrosion and stress corrosion cracking, sinish chidamliligi va charchoq kuchi
7178 aluminum alloy is used for the manufacture of aerospace parts that require high compressive yield strength
Aluminum-clad and non-clad plates for 7475 aluminum alloy fuselage, qanotli ramkalar, stringerlar, va boshqalar. Other components that require both high strength and high fracture toughness
7A04 aluminum alloy aircraft skin, vintlardek, va to'sinli stringerlar kabi kuchlanishli komponentlar, to'siqlar, qanot qovurg'alari, qo'nish moslamasi, va boshqalar.
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