8021 giấy nhôm

8021 lá nhôm cho bao bì dược phẩm, giấy nhôm để đóng gói thực phẩm, giấy nhôm để đóng gói pin, Giá xuất xưởng cung cấp nguyên liệu lá nhôm cho nhà sản xuất

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8021 giấy nhôm

Thời gian sau:2023-06-19
    hợp kim 8021(8000 loạt)
    độ dày 0.01mm-6 mm
    Chiều rộng 80mm-2650mm
    Chiều dài 120mm-10000mm
    tính khí ồ, H12, H14, H16, H18, H22, H24, H26 v.v..
    Nhà cung cấp Nhôm Huawei
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Learn more about 8021 giấy nhôm

“8021 giấy nhôm” refers to 8021 alloy aluminum foil, which is a more common alloy type in the 8000 loạt. 8021 alloy is a common type of aluminum alloy with high strength and plasticity. Giấy nhôm 8021 is a thin sheet made of pure aluminum, which has good flexibility, thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity. It is widely used in food packaging, bao bì dược phẩm, battery casing, thermal insulation materials and other fields.

8021 aluminum foil supplier

What is the composition of 8021 alloy aluminum foil?

The main components of 8021 aluminum alloy include alloy additions of aluminum (Al), đồng (Củ) and a small amount of other elements.

8021 aluminum foil chemical element content table (%)
hợp kim Al Fe Củ Mn Mg Sn B Người khác
8021 96.8-98.2 0.7 0.65 1.2-1.8 0.15 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.15

Tính chất cơ học của 8021 sản phẩm lá nhôm

Nhiệt độ hợp kim Sức căng Sức mạnh năng suất Độ giãn dài Độ nóng chảy Dẫn nhiệt Tỉ trọng
8021 Ôi lá nhôm ≥80MPa ≥40MPa ≥25% 660°C 237 có/(m·K) 2.70 g/cm³
8021 H12 aluminum foil 110-145 MPa ≥75 MPa ≥3%
8021 Lá nhôm H14 130-175 MPa ≥115 MPa ≥2%
8021 H16 aluminum foil 150-185 MPa ≥135 MPa ≥2%
8021 Lá nhôm H18 ≥185 MPa ≥170 MPa ≥2%
8021 H22 aluminum foil 130-165 MPa ≥115 MPa ≥3%
8021 Lá nhôm H24 150-180 MPa ≥135 MPa ≥2%

8021 aluminum foil as pharmaceutical packaging

8021 aluminum foil has good mechanical properties and can be used as a pharmaceutical packaging material.

Sự chỉ rõ Phạm vi
độ dày 0.02mm – 0.2mm
Chiều rộng 200mm – 1600mm
độ cứng ồ, H14, H18
Roll Diameter 200mm – 600mm
Surface Treatment One side bright, possibly with coatings, lubricants, or printing

8021 aluminum foil as food packaging

Sự chỉ rõ parameters
độ dày 0.02mm – 0.2mm
Chiều rộng 200mm – 1600mm
độ cứng ồ, H12, H14, H16, H18
Roll Diameter 200mm – 600mm
Surface Treatment One side bright, possibly with coatings or printing

8021 alloy as a specification for battery foil

8021 alloy is commonly used as a specification for battery foil due to its excellent performance and properties. Here are the specifications for 8021 alloy battery foil:
Sự chỉ rõ parameters
hợp kim 8021
tính khí ồ (mềm mại)
độ dày 0.015mm – 0.05mm
Chiều rộng 100mm – 1000mm
Surface Treatment One side bright, possibly with coatings or treatments
Sức căng 60 MPa – 120 MPa
Độ giãn dài 20% – 30%
Tinh dân điện Xuất sắc

8021 aluminum foil density

The density of aluminum foil can vary slightly depending on its thickness and manufacturing process. As a general guideline, the density of aluminum is approximately 2.70 g/cm³ hoặc 2700 kg/m³. 8021 aluminum foil is usually very thin, often less than 0.2 mm (200 micron) dày, and its density is close to that of pure aluminum.

8021 aluminum foil melting point

Điểm nóng chảy của 8021 aluminum foil is the same as that of pure aluminum because 8021 is an alloy mainly composed of aluminum. The melting point of pure aluminum is approximately 660.3 độ C (1220.5 degrees Fahrenheit).

8021 aluminum foil vs 8011 giấy nhôm

8021 Và 8011 aluminum foils are similar in many ways as they both belong to the 8xxx series of aluminum alloys commonly used in a variety of packaging applications.

8021 foil vs 8011 foil

Tài sản 8021 Giấy nhôm 8011 Giấy nhôm
Thành phần hợp kim Primarily aluminum with some alloying elements Primarily aluminum with some alloying elements
Dòng hợp kim 8xxx (8xxx indicates aluminum alloy series) 8xxx (8xxx indicates aluminum alloy series)
Common Thickness Range 0.018-0.2 mm (18-200 micrometers) 0.009-0.2 mm (9-200 micrometers)
Typical Use Pharmaceutical packaging, bao bì thực phẩm, và hơn thế nữa Bao bì thực phẩm, household use, và hơn thế nữa
Strength and Durability Generally good strength and durability Generally good strength and durability
Barrier Properties Excellent barrier properties, suitable for protecting sensitive products Good barrier properties, adequate for most packaging needs
Hoàn thiện bề mặt Smooth surface finish Smooth surface finish
Surface Treatment Usually coated or laminated for specific requirements Coated or laminated for specific requirements
tính khí Mềm mại, half-hard, and hard temper available Mềm mại, half-hard, and hard temper available
Độ nóng chảy Approximately 660.3°C (1220.5° F) Approximately 660.3°C (1220.5° F)
Sức căng Varies with temper and thickness Varies with temper and thickness
Typical Temperatures for Use Can be used at room temperature, điện lạnh, and moderate oven temperatures Can be used at room temperature, điện lạnh, and moderate oven temperatures

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