1070 алюмініевая шпулька

Бытавая 1070 пастаўка цаны вытворцы алюмініевай шпулькі, Кітайскі вытворца алюмініевага сплаву, 1050 1060 1100 3003 3004 5005 5052 алюмініевая шпулька

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1070 алюмініевая шпулька

    Сплаў 1350(1000 серыял)
    Таўшчыня 0.1mm-3mm
    Шырыня 80мм-2650мм
    Даўжыня 120мм-10000мм
    Тэмпература .H12 – H112, Т2 - Т8, T251 – T651 і г.д.
    Пастаўшчык Алюміній Huawei
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Што ёсць 1070 aluminum coil grade?

1070 aluminum coil refers to the aluminum alloy coil whose main component is aluminum, which belongs to the 1000 серыя алюмініевага сплаву. The “1070” designation designates a specific alloy in the series that contains more than 99.7% алюміній. For 1070 алюмініевыя шпулькі, the main impurities are iron and silicon, and the content of each impurity is very small.

Aluminum coil 1070 has the characteristics of low density, good electrical and thermal conductivity, добрая ўстойлівасць да карозіі, добрыя паказчыкі апрацоўкі пластыка, і мае шырокі спектр прымянення.

1070 aluminum coil

1070 aluminum coil element content

1070 aluminum is a commercially pure aluminum alloy consisting almost entirely of aluminum with very small amounts of other elements.

1070 Aluminum Coil Chemical Composition(%)
Сплаў Ал Fe І Mg Мн Cu Зн з Іншыя
1070 99.7 0.25 0.2 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.07 0.03 0.05

1070 aluminum coil mechanical properties

Тэмпература Трываласць на разрыў(Мпа) Мяжа цякучасці (Мпа) Падаўжэнне (%) Цвёрдасць(HB)
1070 H12 60 30 25 18
1070 H14 85 55 12 27
1070 H16 95 70 6 32
1070 H18 110 95 4 36

1350 aluminum coil features

Алюмініевы сплаў 1350 is a commercially pure aluminum alloy with specific properties that make it suitable for certain applications.

1. High electrical conductivity: One of the most notable properties of 1350 aluminum is its excellent electrical conductivity. It has a conductivity rating of approximately 62% of the International Annealed Copper Standard (IACS).

2. Light in weight: 1350 is light in weight due to its low density. This feature helps to reduce the overall weight of the product and structure.

3. Высокая чысціня: 1350 aluminum alloy is famous for its high purity, in which aluminum is the main element. It usually contains very low levels of alloying elements, which enhance its electrical conductivity.

4. Добрая формуемость: 1350 алюмініевы сплаў can be easily formed using various manufacturing processes, including rolling, extrusion and cold forming.

5. Ўстойлівасць да карозіі: Although not as corrosion-resistant as some other aluminum alloys with added alloying elements, 1350 aluminum still has a certain degree of corrosion resistance.

6. Recyclable: Aluminum is highly recyclable without losing its essential properties. Reduced environmental impact.

7. Выдатная святлоадбівальная здольнасць: 1350 It is very useful in applications where reflected light or heat is important.

1070 aluminum coil uses

1070 aluminum alloy coil and 1050 1060 are both high-purity aluminum alloys in the 1000 серыял, with excellent electrical conductivity and thermal properties. These characteristics enable 1070 aluminum coils to have a wide range of applications.

Aluminum coil 1070 is used for electrical conductors: Due to its high conductivity, 1070 aluminum coil is often used in the production of electrical conductors such as power cables, busbars, and transformer windings.

Aluminum coil 1070 for heat exchangers: The thermal conductivity of 1070 aluminum makes it suitable for use in heat exchangers where efficient heat transfer is crucial.

1070 aluminum coil for radiators: Алюмініевыя шпулькі, у тым ліку 1070 сплаў, are used to make radiators for automotive and industrial applications.

Ал 1070 coil for cookware: Так як 1070 aluminum has good thermal conductivity, it can be used in the production of certain types of kitchen utensils and cookware.

1070 capacitor foil coil: The high purity of 1070 aluminum makes it suitable for use in the production of capacitor foils used in electronic components.

1070 aluminum coil density

At room temperature (20°C or 68°F), the density of aluminum alloy 1070 coil is approximately 2.70 грам на кубічны сантыметр (г/см³). Aluminum’s relatively low density makes it lightweight, making it a popular choice for a variety of applications where weight is a critical factor, такіх як аўтамабільная і аэракасмічная прамысловасць.

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