Алюмініевая стужка

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Алюмініевая стужка

Алюмініевы ліст/шпулька/круг, Алюмініевыя лісты з ПЭ/ПВДФ пакрыццём, парашковае пакрыццё алюмініевай панэлі ашалёўкі высокай якасці вытворчасці

What is aluminum strip

Aluminum strip is a strip material made of aluminum. It is usually processed by cutting, flanging, stretching or rolling aluminum sheet or coil. Aluminum strip can be custom machined to desired dimensions, thickness and hardness to meet the needs of various applications.

aluminium-strip product

алюмініевая стужка

The thickness of the aluminum strip is generally between 0.01mm and 3mm, and the width can be customized according to specific needs. Акрамя таго, the aluminum strip can also undergo surface treatment, such as oxidation, пакрыццё, г.д., to enhance its performance and appearance.

Aluminum strip has the advantages of light weight, высокая трываласць, ўстойлівасць да карозіі, and good thermal conductivity, so it is widely used in electronics, аўтамабілі, будаўніцтва, аэракасмічны, packaging and other industries. Напрыклад, aluminum tape can be used in cable shielding, battery manufacturing, цеплаабменнікі, gas pipelines, light construction materials, food packaging and other fields.

Aluminum strips come in different types and specifications and can be selected according to specific application needs. Some common types of aluminum strip include hard aluminum strip, flexible aluminum strip, pre-painted aluminum strip, aluminum foil strip, г.д. The size and thickness of the aluminum strip can also be customized according to different applications. When choosing an aluminum strip, it is necessary to select the appropriate type and specification according to the specific application scenario to ensure that its performance and effect meet the requirements.

алюмініевы сплаў паласы

aluminum strip pfoduction

Aluminum strip specification

Сплаў 1050,1060,1100,3003,3004,3105,5005,5052,5083,6061,6082,8011,г.д.
Таўшчыня 0.1-3мм, customizecommon 0.2mm, 0.3мм, 0.4мм,г.д.
Шырыня 10-1600мм, customizecommon 100mm, 200мм, 500мм,г.д.
Даўжыня Наладзіць,common 1000mm, 2000мм, 5000мм,г.д.
Тэмпература О, H12, H14, H16, H18, H24, H26, Т6, Т651, г.д.
Тэхналогіі Hot rolling (DC), Cold rolling (CC), Кастынг.
Тыповая прымяненне LED Light, Transformer, cable, ўпрыгажэнні, battery manufacturing,г.д.

Armored cable aluminum strip

Armored cable aluminum strips are usually made of 1050A and 1060 aluminum alloys, which have high purity and good electrical conductivity, as well as excellent processability and formability. Акрамя таго, these aluminum alloys have good corrosion resistance and weldability, making them suitable for applications such as cable shielding.

Armored cable aluminum strip



In some high-demand applications, such as high-temperature and high-voltage cable shielding, high-strength aluminum alloys such as 3003 і 3004 are also used to make cable aluminum strips to meet special application requirements.

Specifications of cable aluminum strip

Armored cable aluminum strip is a kind of aluminum tape used for cable shielding, and its specification can be customized according to the size and requirements of the cable. The following are some common cable aluminum tape specifications:

  • Таўшчыня: usually ranging from 0.15-0.3mm, common ones are 0.2mm and 0.25mm.
  • Шырыня: usually ranging from 10-60mm, common ones are 15mm, 20mm and 25mm.
  • Даўжыня: customized according to needs, the common ones are 1000mm, 2000mm and 3000mm, г.д.
  • Цвёрдасць: О.
  • Апрацоўка паверхні: Usually bare aluminum, гэта значыць, aluminum strip without surface treatment.

Transformer aluminum strip

The alloy type of transformer aluminum strip is usually 1000 серыя алюмініевага сплаву, у тым ліку 1050, 1060, 1070, 1100 and so on.

Transformer aluminum strip

Transformer aluminum strip

Transformer aluminum strip

These aluminum alloys have high purity, good electrical conductivity, excellent formability and processability, and also have good corrosion resistance. Акрамя таго, the cost of these aluminum alloys is relatively low, which is more suitable for mass production and application.

In addition to the 1000 серыі алюмініевых сплаваў, some transformer aluminum strips use 3000 серыі алюмініевых сплаваў, такія як 3003 і 3004, г.д. These aluminum alloys have good corrosion resistance and formability, and are widely used in some specific applications.

0.2mm thickness aluminum strip

0.2mm thickness aluminum strip

Specifications of transformer aluminum strip

Transformer aluminum strip is a kind of aluminum strip used for transformers, and its specification can be customized according to the size and requirements of the transformer. The following are some common transformer strip specifications:

  • Таўшчыня: usually ranging from 0.1-3mm, common ones are 0.2mm, 0.3мм, 0.5мм, г.д.
  • Шырыня: usually ranging from 10-1000mm, common ones are 50mm, 100мм, 200мм, г.д.
  • Даўжыня: customized according to needs, the common ones are 1000mm, 2000mm and 3000mm, г.д.
  • Цвёрдасць: О.
  • Апрацоўка паверхні: Usually bare aluminum, гэта значыць, aluminum strip without surface treatment.

led light used aluminum strip

LED light used aluminum strip is a type of lighting product that utilizes a flexible strip of aluminum as a structural base for mounting LED chips. The aluminum strip serves as both a heat sink and a support for the LED chips, which produce light when electrically powered.

The use of aluminum strip in LED lighting provides several benefits. Firstly, aluminum is an excellent conductor of heat, which helps to dissipate the heat generated by the LED chips, preventing overheating and extending the lifespan of the LED lights. Па-другое, the flexibility of the aluminum strip allows for easy installation in various shapes and configurations, making it suitable for a wide range of lighting applications.

LED lights using aluminum strips are available in a variety of forms, including rigid and flexible strips, linear arrays, and panels. They are commonly used in a wide range of applications, including task lighting, accent lighting, cove lighting, and decorative lighting. They are also popular in architectural lighting, as they can be used to highlight specific features of a building or space.

LED lights using aluminum strips are highly energy-efficient, producing more light per watt than traditional lighting sources. They are also long-lasting, with some LED lights rated for up to 50,000 hours of continuous use. This translates to lower maintenance and replacement costs over time, making them a cost-effective lighting solution.

LED lights using aluminum strips are a versatile, energy-efficient, and cost-effective lighting solution for a wide range of applications. Their flexibility, long lifespan, and low maintenance requirements make them a popular choice for both residential and commercial lighting projects.

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