Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Aluminium 6061 Und 5083 Blatt?

Unterschied zwischen 5083 Aluminiumblech und 6061 Aluminiumblech

Heim » Blog » Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Aluminium 6061 Und 5083 Blatt?

Aluminium 6061 Und 5083 are both popular aluminum alloys used in various applications. Here are the key differences between the two:

Eigentum 6061 Aluminiumteller 5083 Aluminiumteller
Legierungszusammensetzung Aluminium, Magnesium, Silizium Aluminium, Magnesium, Mangan, Chrom
Stärke Mäßige Stärke Hohe Festigkeit
Streckgrenze Around 40,000 psi (276 MPa) Around 30,000 psi (207 MPa)
Zugfestigkeit Around 45,000 psi (310 MPa) Around 45,000 psi (310 MPa)
Korrosionsbeständigkeit Gute Korrosionsbeständigkeit Ausgezeichnete Korrosionsbeständigkeit
Application Areas Strukurelle Komponenten, Autoteile, general machining, usw. Marine applications, Schiffbau, offshore structures, Druckbehälter, usw.
Schweißbarkeit Gute Schweißbarkeit Gute Schweißbarkeit
  1. Legierungszusammensetzung:
    • Aluminium 6061: It is an alloy composed of aluminum, Magnesium, und Silizium. Es hat eine gute Formbarkeit, Schweißbarkeit, und Korrosionsbeständigkeit.
    • Aluminium 5083: It is an alloy composed of aluminum, Magnesium, and traces of manganese and chromium. It is known for its exceptional corrosion resistance and high strength.
  2. Stärke:
    • Aluminium 6061: It has good strength properties, with a yield strength of around 40,000 psi (276 MPa) and a tensile strength of approximately 45,000 psi (310 MPa). It is commonly used in structural applications.
    • Aluminium 5083: It is a high-strength alloy, with a yield strength of around 30,000 psi (207 MPa) and a tensile strength of approximately 45,000 psi (310 MPa). It is especially valued for its strength in marine environments.
  3. Korrosionsbeständigkeit:
    • Aluminium 6061: It has decent corrosion resistance, particularly when compared to other aluminum alloys. It forms a protective oxide layer on its surface, which helps resist corrosion.
    • Aluminium 5083: It offers excellent corrosion resistance, particularly in saltwater and marine environments. It is highly resistant to corrosion caused by seawater and other aggressive chemicals.
  4. Application Areas:
    • Aluminium 6061: It is commonly used in a wide range of applications, including structural components, Autoteile, Fahrradrahmen, electrical fittings, and general machining applications.
    • Aluminium 5083: It is primarily used in marine applications, wie zum Beispiel der Schiffbau, Bootsrümpfe, offshore structures, and other components exposed to saltwater and harsh environments. It is also utilized in pressure vessels, Transportausrüstung, and architectural elements.
  5. Schweißbarkeit:
    • Aluminium 6061: It has good weldability and can be easily welded using various techniques, including TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) Schweißen und MIG (Metal Inert Gas) Schweißen.
    • Aluminium 5083: It has good weldability, particularly when using the appropriate filler material. It is commonly welded using the MIG welding process.

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