Paduan Aluminium

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Paduan Aluminium

Common aluminum and aluminum alloys, 1000 aluminium murni, 3000 seri, 5000 seri, 6000 seri, 8000 paduan aluminium seri

Description of aluminum alloy

Primary aluminum is collectively referred to as electrolytic aluminum in the market supply, and it is the raw material for the production of aluminum and aluminum alloy materials. Aluminum is a metal with low strength and good plasticity. In addition to the application of some pure aluminum, in order to improve the strength or comprehensive performance, it is made into an alloy. Adding an alloying element to aluminum can change its structure and properties, making it suitable for various processing materials or casting parts. Alloying elements that are often added are copper, magnesium, seng, dan silikon.

aluminum alloy with blue film

aluminum alloy with blue film

Aluminum alloy grade naming principle

  • 1. The trademark of the international four-digit number system can be directly quoted.
  • 2. Deformed aluminum and aluminum alloys that are not named as international four-digit number system grades should be named with four-character grades (but experimental aluminum and aluminum alloy colors use the prefix X plus four-character grades).

Classification and application of aluminum alloy

Aluminum alloys are alloys made by mixing aluminum with other metal elements and are commonly used in various industrial fields, termasuk dirgantara, manufaktur mobil, konstruksi, elektronik, kemasan makanan, dan banyak lagi.

The following are some common aluminum alloy grades and their characteristics:

  • 1000 paduan aluminium seri: Contains more than 99% aluminium, and the common grades are 1050, 1060, 1100; it has good machinability, electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance. It is often used in the manufacture of food containers, wires and cables, die-casting parts, dll..
  • 2000 paduan aluminium seri: Contains copper and has high strength and corrosion resistance. Common grades are 2011, 2014, Dan 2024; they are often used in the manufacture of aerospace components, kapal, automobile and bicycle components, dll..
  • 3000 paduan aluminium seri: contains manganese, has good strength and corrosion resistance, and is easy to weld and process. Common grades are 3003, 3004, 3104, 3105; often used in the manufacture of building materials, kapal, aircraft wing spars, dll..
  • 4000 paduan aluminium seri: contains silicon and has high strength, hardness and wear resistance. Common grades are 4032, 4043, 4047; often used in the manufacture of aircraft parts, automotive brake systems, dll..
  • 5000 paduan aluminium seri: containing magnesium, it has good plasticity, strength and corrosion resistance. Common grades are 5005, 5050, 5052, 5083, 5454, 5754; commonly used in the manufacture of aerospace vehicles, bahan bangunan, rangka sepeda, dll..
  • 6000 paduan aluminium seri: contains magnesium and silicon, has high strength and corrosion resistance, and is easy to weld and process. Common grades are 6060, 6061, 6063, 6082; commonly used in the manufacture of aircraft parts, suku cadang mobil, ship structures, dll..
  • 7000 paduan aluminium seri: contains zinc, has good machinability and corrosion resistance, and is suitable for use under high temperature and high pressure conditions. The common grade is 7075; it is often used in the manufacture of engine parts, hydraulic pipelines, dll..
  • 8000 paduan aluminium seri: contains tin, has good plasticity and weldability, and is suitable for making containers and pipes, dll.. Common grades are 8011, 8021, 8079.

The above are some common aluminum alloy grades and their characteristics. The selection of suitable aluminum alloy grades can be determined according to specific application requirements and conditions of use.

Aluminum Alloys Specifications

Paduan 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 8000 series etc.
Melunakkan HAI,H12,H14,H16,H18,H22,H24,H26,H112,H32,T4,T6,T651,etc.
Ketebalan 0.006-0.02mm(Foil),0.02-6mm(Sheet/Coil/Circle),6-40mm(Plate)
Product Type Aluminum Sheet/Plate,Kumparan Aluminium,Strip Aluminium,Aluminium Foil,Lingkaran Aluminium
Permukaan Mill finish,Diamond plate,Color coated,Pover coated,Anodized aluminum plate,Embossed,dll..

Grades and uses of pure aluminum and aluminum alloys

1050: Squeeze coils for food, industri kimia dan pembuatan bir, berbagai selang, bubuk kembang api.

1060: It is required for occasions with high corrosion resistance and formability, tetapi bukan persyaratan kekuatan yang tinggi, and chemical equipment is its typical application.

1100: For processing parts that require good formability and high corrosion resistance but do not require high strength, seperti produk kimia, food industry devices and storage containers, bagian pemrosesan pelat tipis, deep drawing or spinning concave vessels , bagian pengelasan, penukar panas, papan cetak, papan nama, reflektor.

2014 : Diterapkan pada kesempatan yang membutuhkan kekuatan dan kekerasan tinggi (termasuk suhu tinggi). Aircraft heavy, penempaan, thick plates and extruded materials, roda dan elemen struktur, tangki bahan bakar tahap pertama roket multi-tahap dan bagian pesawat ruang angkasa, truck frames and suspension system parts.

2024: Struktur pesawat, paku keling, komponen rudal, truck hubs, elemen baling-baling, dan berbagai bagian struktural lainnya.

2124: Bagian struktural kendaraan luar angkasa.

2A60: Aircraft engine compressor wheels, deflektor angin, penggemar, impeler, dll..

2A70: Aircraft skins, piston mesin pesawat, deflektor angin, roda, dll..

3003: For processing parts that require good formability, ketahanan korosi yang tinggi dan kemampuan las yang baik, or require both these properties and higher strength than 1XXX alloys, seperti peralatan dapur, food and chemical products Processing and storage devices, tangki dan tangki untuk mengangkut produk cair, various pressure vessels and pipes processed with thin plates.

3004: All-aluminum pop-top can body, membutuhkan bagian dengan kekuatan lebih tinggi dari 3003 paduan, chemical product production and storage devices, bagian pemrosesan pelat tipis, bagian pemrosesan konstruksi, alat konstruksi, berbagai bagian lampu.

3104: Can body, can lid, pull ring, aircraft fuel tank, oil conduit, industrial equipment, dll..

3104 aluminium untuk kaleng

3104 aluminium untuk kaleng

3105: Partisi ruangan, membingungkan, movable room panels, talang dan pipa bawah, thin plate forming parts, tutup botol, sumbat botol, dll..

5005: Mirip dengan 3003 paduan, it has medium strength and good corrosion resistance. Used as conductors, peralatan memasak, instrument panels, housings and architectural trim. Anodized film ratio The oxide film on the 3003 alloy is brighter and consistent with the tone of the 6063 paduan.

5050: The thin plate can be used as the lining plate of refrigerators and refrigerators, pipa udara mobil, oil pipes and agricultural irrigation pipes; it can also process thick plates, pipa, bars, special-shaped materials and wires, dll..

5052: Paduan ini memiliki sifat mampu bentuk yang baik, ketahanan terhadap korosi, kemampuan lilin, fatigue strength and moderate static strength, and is used in the manufacture of aircraft fuel tanks, pipa minyak, sheet metal parts of transportation vehicles and ships, instrument street lamp brackets and rivets , produk perangkat keras, dll..

5083: In occasions that require high corrosion resistance, kemampuan las yang baik dan kekuatan sedang, such as welded parts of ships, automobiles and aircraft plates; bejana tekan yang memerlukan proteksi kebakaran yang ketat, perangkat pendingin, menara TV, peralatan pengeboran, Peralatan transportasi, komponen rudal, baja, dll..

5086: For occasions that require high corrosion resistance, kemampuan las yang baik dan kekuatan sedang, seperti kapal, mobil, pesawat terbang, peralatan kriogenik, menara TV, peralatan pengeboran, peralatan transportasi, bagian dan dek rudal, dll..

5182: Thin plates are used for processing can lids, panel bodi mobil, panel kontrol, bala bantuan, kurung dan bagian lainnya.

5454: Struktur yang dilas, bejana tekan, pipelines for marine facilities.

5A05: welded structural parts, kerangka kulit pesawat.

5A06: Welded structure, bagian yang ditempa dingin, bagian tegangan wadah ketegangan yang dilas, bagian tulang kulit pesawat.

6061: Various industrial structures requiring a certain strength, kemampuan las yang tinggi dan ketahanan terhadap korosi, seperti pipa, batang, shapes used in the manufacture of trucks, bangunan menara, kapal, trem, mebel, bagian mekanis, pemesinan presisi, dll.. Timber, plank.

6063: Industrial profiles, architectural profiles, pipa irigasi dan bahan ekstrusi untuk kendaraan, bangku, mebel, pagar, dll..

7005: Bahan yang diekstrusi, suitable for manufacturing welded structures that must have both high strength and high fracture toughness, seperti gulungan, batang, and containers for transportation vehicles; penukar panas besar, and solid solution treatment after welding It can also be used to make sports equipment such as tennis rackets and softball bats.

7049: Forging parts that have the same static strength as 7079-T6 alloy and require high resistance to stress corrosion cracking, such as aircraft and missile parts falling together

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