1060 aluminum coil alloy temper

1060 aluminum coil temper 1060 Н12 1060 Н14 1060 Н16 1060 H18 factory price for sale

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“1060 aluminum coil alloy temperrefers to the specific alloy and temper designation for an aluminum coil.

1060 Алюминиевый сплав: This is a pure aluminum alloy, belonging to the 1000 серия алюминиевых сплавов. It is known for its excellent electrical conductivity, высокая теплопроводность, and good formability.

Different tempers of 1060 aluminum coil indicate different characteristics of aluminum coils. The most common tempers for 1060 aluminum alloy include:

1. H18 hardened state: 1060 алюминиевая катушка is processed after cold rolling and then hardened. In the H18 state, the hardness is the highest and the strength is also the largest, but the plasticity is poor.

2. H16 semi-hardened state: 1060 aluminum coil is processed and semi-hardened after cold rolling. In the H16 state, the hardness and strength are relatively high, but the plasticity is good.

3. H14 semi-hardened state: 1060 aluminum coil is processed and semi-hardened after cold rolling. In the H14 state, the hardness and strength are lower, but the plasticity is better.

4. H12 semi-hardened state: 1060 aluminum coil is processed and semi-hardened after cold rolling. In the H12 state, the hardness and strength are lower, but the plasticity is better.

5. O softening state: The 1060 aluminum coil is not processed after cold rolling. In the O state, the hardness and strength of the aluminum coil are low, but the plasticity is the best. It is usually used in the processing process that requires high plasticity.

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