How much does a 4×8 18 gauge aluminum sheet weigh?

How much does a 4x8 18 gauge aluminum sheet weigh? How to measure the weight of aluminum plates

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How much does a 4×8 18 gauge aluminum sheet weight?

To calculate the weight of a 4×8 foot sheet of 18-gauge aluminum, you can use the following formula:

вага (in pounds) = Area (in square feet) x Thickness (в дюймах) x Density (in pounds per cubic inch)

Here’s how you can apply this formula to your 4×8 18-калібр алюмінієвий лист:

Calculate the Area:

A 4×8 foot sheet has an area of 4 x 8 = 32 square feet.
Determine the Thickness:

18-gauge aluminum is approximately 0.0403 дюймів товщиною. You may want to double-check this measurement for accuracy.
Find the Density:

Щільність алюмінію становить близько 0.098 фунтів на кубічний дюйм (фунт/дюйм³).
Зараз, plug these values into the formula:

вага (in pounds) = 32 square feet x 0.0403 inches x 0.098 фунт/дюйм³

Calculate the result:

Weight ≈ 0.127 фунтів

Так, a 4×8 foot sheet of 18-gauge aluminum weighs approximately 0.127 фунтів, or about 2.04 ounces.

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