8011 alyuminiy folga yetkazib beruvchi

8011 sotish uchun alyuminiy folga zavodi narxi, farmatsevtika qadoqlash alyuminiy folga, oziq-ovqat mahsuloti alyuminiy folga, uy alyuminiy folga 8011

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8011 alyuminiy folga yetkazib beruvchi

Post vaqti:2023-06-12
    Qotishma 8011(8000 seriya)
    Qalinligi 0.01mm-6 mm
    Kengligi 80mm - 2650 mm
    Uzunlik 120mm - 10000 mm
    Jahl O, H12, H14, H16, H18, H22, H24, H26 va boshqalar.
    Yetkazib beruvchi Huawei alyuminiy
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Introduction of aluminum foil 8011

Nima bu 8011 alyuminiy qotishmasi? 8011 aluminum foil is a common aluminum alloy material in the 8000 seriyali alyuminiy qotishmasi. It is composed of pure aluminum and other alloying elements (kremniy kabi, iron, marganets, va boshqalar.), and has the characteristics of lightness, korroziyaga qarshilik, and good conductivity. It has a very wide range of applications in food packaging, farmatsevtik qadoqlash, household goods and industrial uses.

8011 aluminum alloy foil element content

Alyuminiy folga 8011 kimyoviy elementlar tarkibi jadvali (GB/T 3880-2006)
Qotishma Al Fe Va Cu Mn Mg Cr Of Boshqalar
8011 97.5-99.1 0.6-1.0 0.5-0.9 0.10 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.15

Alyuminiy folga 8011 production specification

Qalinligi 0.01mm-200mm
Kengligi 30mm-1600mm
Uzunlik According to demand
Jahl O, H12, H14, H16, H18, H22, H24, H26
MOQ Quanlity 3 tons pre size
Yetkazib berish vaqti 20-30days after receiving L/C or deposit
Port Qingdao China (or any port in China )
Yetkazib beruvchi Huawei alyuminiy

Uses of Aluminum 8011 folga

What can 8011 aluminum foil be used for? 8011 is widely used in food packaging, farmatsevtik qadoqlash, household goods and industrial purposes and other fields.

(1) Alyuminiy folga 8011 is used for pharmaceutical packaging: PTP pharmaceutical aluminum foil, cold stamping plastic foil, blister foil packaging, capsule aluminum foil board, va boshqalar.

8011 for PTP pharmaceutical aluminum foil8011 for blister aluminum foil

Specifications of 8011 medicinal aluminum foil base material

Jahl Qalinligi Kengligi Uzunlik
O、H14、H16、H18 0.016-0.5 100-1700 C

(2) 8011 aluminum foil is used for bottle caps: liquor bottle caps, red wine bottle caps, cosmetic bottle caps, milk powder bottle caps, medicine bottle caps, beverage bottle caps, yogurt bottle caps, va boshqalar. ;

8011 aluminum foil is used for bottle caps8011 aluminum foil is used for bottle caps (1)

(3) For food packaging: oziq-ovqat qadoqlash, heat-sealing foil, lunch box material, container foil, aluminum foil gasket for sealing

8011 aluminum foil for food packaging

(4) 8011 industrial aluminum foil: aluminum foil for transformers, aluminum foil for tapes, aluminum foil for cables, aluminum foil for filters;

8011 aluminum foil has the following main characteristics:

Yengil: 8011 Aluminum Foil is a lightweight material with a low density that allows it to provide lightweight features in packaging and other applications.

Korroziyaga qarshilik: 8011 aluminum foil has good resistance to corrosive substances, which makes it stable and reliable in food packaging and other environments.

High thermal conductivity: Aluminum has good thermal conductivity, va 8011 aluminum foil can quickly conduct and disperse heat, which is suitable for applications that require heat dissipation or heat preservation.

Zo'r elektr o'tkazuvchanligi: 8011 aluminum foil has good electrical conductivity, which is suitable for electronic products and other applications that require electrical conductivity.

Good tensile strength and toughness: After proper processing and treatment, 8011 aluminum foil can have a certain tensile strength and toughness, so that it can adapt to different packaging and application needs.

Good plasticity: 8011 aluminum foil has good plasticity and can be shaped by rolling, cho'zish, folding and other processing techniques, and is suitable for packaging needs of various shapes and sizes.

Excellent barrier performance: 8011 aluminum foil has good barrier performance, which can effectively isolate the pollution of the package from oxygen, namlik, yorug'lik, bacteria, va boshqalar., and protect the quality and freshness of the product.

8011 uy alyuminiy folga

8011 household aluminum foil is an aluminum foil widely used for various household purposes. Made from 8011 aluminum alloy to provide superior performance for these applications. Household aluminum foil is versatile and can be used for a variety of purposes including kitchen and food storage.

Household aluminum foil typically comes in a variety of thicknesses, ranging from 10 uchun 25 mikron (0.01 uchun 0.025 mm). Thickness selection depends on the specific application.

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